'Nothing about me was cool': Gareth Southgate on making dreams reality

A new book by England’s manager charting his journey is designed to inspire young people

Gareth Southgate can still feel the hot flush of teenage embarrassment. It was his first day as a Crystal Palace apprentice and he had made the socially fatal error of turning up in smart clothes – school shirt and trousers, to be precise – only to find that the rest of his year group were in jeans or tracksuits.

“It felt like a disaster before I’d even started,” the England manager says. “All my peers seemed so much more streetwise and I was just this kid from the suburbs with goofy teeth. Nothing about me was cool and I felt like I’d never fit in.”

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from Football | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/nov/26/gareth-southgate-on-making-dreams-reality-book-england-manager


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